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Is It Still Possible to Be Social on a Budget?

Pricey social occasions might seem like the only way to keep in touch with friends, but for many the hefty cost attached is a killer. Whether you’re going out to a bar, seeing a film at the cinema, or buying a ticket to a festival, it seems like everything worth doing has an ever-inflating price point. But it is still possible to socialise on a budget.

The team at Swoosh are here to tell you that social occasions don’t have to be the expensive things they’re often built up to be. By reading our tips, you’ll be able to catch up with friends and family without having to declare bankruptcy!

Factoring in fun to your budget

Creating and factoring in a budget when you go out is one of the keys to having a good time with the money you have. First, allow some money from your paycheck to be factored in your social weekly spend (this should be something you can afford after factoring in bills and savings). This way, you can still afford yourself the luxury of going out and seeing your friends, but don’t have access to a bottomless account. Knowing you have a set amount to spend also regulates what kind of things you spend money on – you might opt for the cheaper drink or option if you only have a finite amount of money to play with.

socialise on a budget

Making dinner and drinks more affordable

With the right approach, often expensive social events at bars and restaurants can be avoided. Websites that map the food and drink specials around town, such as The Happiest Hour, are always a good resource as they’ll tell you exactly what night a venue might be having food specials. That way, if you’re feeling like a burger, you can choose a venue that has a special and potentially pay half the price! The same goes for bars and pubs – find out when happy hours are so that you can get some cheap drinks

Sites like Groupon are also a great resource for cheap meals, as they often have deals saving diners up to half price, and these deals can be used any time of the week! You’re on your way to socialise on a budget!

Check for free events around town

If you feel like adventuring outside of the home, free events are around every corner. Facebook easily allows for people to search for events in their area, and determining if they’re free or not is just as easy.

Looking to local cultural institutions is also a great way to save money and learn a thing or two on the weekend.  Many cities have local museums and art galleries that are free every day of the year. It’s important not to forget about these, as they often cycle through exhibitions, bringing in brand new things to see, hear and even touch. Check the websites of your local art gallery or museum regularly to find what they have on.

socialise on a budget

Potluck parties

Potluck parties are parties in which every guest brings their own plate of food. This way, everyone shares the cost and preparation time, which makes things significantly easier for the host. Just make sure that everyone brings something different! And if your friends are also saving money, they’ll be happy to socialise on a budget.

Because everyone brings something specific, it makes costs very easy to manage, unlike being out at a restaurant or a bar.

Looking to bolster your social budget?

If you have a special occasion or similar that might benefit from a larger budget, get in touch with the team at Swoosh today. We can walk you through the simple application process to assure a great time with friends and family!